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Paris Kern

Vermont, United States


Paris Kern is a singer, communicator, community builder and teacher. She has been a Sounder Sleep System® Teacher since 1999 when it’s creator, Michael Krugman, completed his first teacher training . She has also been Feldenkrais Practitioner since 1992, and has attained the highest professional certification as a designated Feldenkrais Teacher Trainer.

Over the years Paris has taught the Sounder Sleep System and the Feldenkrais Method traveling around North America and Europe.

In 2019 it became obvious that many more people were in need of stress reduction, anxiety relief and a method to bring themselves to better sleep. After a few public live online workshops many of her students expressed a desire to progress to become teachers of the Sounder Sleep System and she recreated Michael’s teacher training curriculum and textbook to suit this new paradigm.

Paris’ trainings have reached people in Asia, Australia, South and North America, Great Britain, Europe and the Near East. This growing number of new SSS teachers around the globe inspires more and more people to learn this wonderful system.

Paris is a steady and inspiring presence, who brings a compassionate and light hearted manner to her work. She has the ability to simplify complex theories and principles of the Sounder Sleep System® and the Feldenkrais Method®. Through stories and demonstrations, she de-mystifies challenging concepts and brings a common sense approach to her work.